
Finding a reliable boat repair shop can be a daunting task. With so many different brands, models, and model years, locating someone with the experience to effectively complete repairs and/or complete routine service can prove invaluable.

Havasu Marine Specialties has decades of experience and comes from a long line of boaters and boat mechanics that date back even before the 70s.

With so much boating and repair experience plus out sincere interest in serving our customers, Havasu Marine Specialties is certainly an option worth considering.

We have experience with all major brands. Our industry knowledge has garnered the attention of many and earned us multiple respected accolades with many of the industries top manufactures.

If you’re looking for no non-sense, straight forward boat service and repair at affordable prices, reach out to Havasu Marine Specialties today.

We are your one stop shop for all of your boating needs in Lake Havasu and also offer boat storage and trailer service.

We are a small family owned business. Your support doesn’t pad the profits of a massive international entity but truly makes a difference in our families life and a difference we’re grateful for and work hard to earn.

When you come to Havasu Marine Specialties, you will be met with people who care. People have a true passion for boating and a passion that is only rivaled by our desire to serve our community. We have the experience and know-how to complete things properly, quickly and affordable and ask for your support.

We are certain your experience won’t be one you regret and are confident you’ll walk away having found your boat repair partner for many years to come.

Call us Today with questions or for quotes.